Assemble and Test Project Delivery Product

Assembly using Shop Orders

In the realization process project specific parts in the delivery structure are manufactured. This is done by creating shop orders manually, working your way bottom up through the structure. Project PMRP can be used to create shop order requisitions for parts that has a standard structure in manufacturing.

It is possible to manually reserve serial numbers for the parts in the delivery structure and it is also possible to enter what routing template to use in the manufacturing process. This information will be automatically transferred to the shop order. Changes in the delivery structure will be propagated to connected shop orders and when the shop orders are received the delivery structure is updated with the final manufacturing data. All this is in order to keep the system flexible and consistent at the same time. Costs and progress are fed back to the project module and the shop order will inherit the project’s pre-accounting. For parts with the Project MRP supply option it is not possible to reserve serial numbers.

Shop orders are created for the parts in the structure using the right mouse button menu option in the Demand/MPL tab. There is no feedback to the project if these changes are done only in shop order, but you can set up event messages to be notified about the changes. All shop orders with proposed, parked, released and reserved states may be canceled from the Project Delivery module. The orders will always be created in the released state, since the system then automatically reserves the component serials when the order is created.

It is possible to change the lot size, finish date and quantity per assembly on the order from within the project delivery module. It is also possible to add and remove allocations but these changes must only be called upon from the Project Delivery module. It is not allowed to add or remove allocation records on the actual shop order if the order is connected to an activity, but it should be allowed to change quantities and dates from within the Shop Order module as well as from the Project Delivery module.

Serial Number Management

Serial numbers can be reserved for manufactured parts with inventory serial tracking in the delivery structure. When the shop order is created the serial number reservation is transferred to the shop order. If both parent parts and components have inventory serial tracking there will be an automatic attempt to reserve the components directly when the shop order is created in order to create the shop order reserved serial structure directly. If the stock of components is not sufficient the you must proceed in the shop order flow, reserve the components and complete the reserved serial structure before receiving the shop order.

The serial numbers can be unreserved before a shop order has been created. If the parts have after delivery serial tracking instead of inventory serial tracking, the serial numbers can be set on the structure after the parts have been issued. The serial numbers can be removed as well.

Since we always work bottom up in the structure we anticipate that the serial numbers for the components exist in the structure already. For Std Planned items (the bottom level) the serial numbers will be fed back to the structure when the shop order, where they are components, is received.