Connect to Parent Compatible Unit Revision


This activity is used to connect one or several compatible units to a parent compatible unit.


System Effects

Chosen compatible units will have a parent compatible unit that they are connected to.


Compatible Unit Navigator
Compatible Units

Related Window Descriptions

Connect to Compatible Unit
Compatible Unit Navigator
Compatible Units


  1. Open the Compatible Unit Navigator or Compatible Units window.
  2. In the Compatible Unit Navigator window search for an existing record, in the Compatible Units window create a new record or search for an existing record.
  3. Right click on the selected line/lines or the selected node in the navigator.
  4. In the Compatible Unit Navigator window choose the option Connect Compatible Units. In the Compatible Units window choose the option Connect to parent.
  5. In the dialog box for Compatible Unit Navigator window press Search and choose which units to connect. In the dialog box for Compatible Units window enter a value in the Parent CU ID and Revision No fields.
  6. Save the record.