Enter Business Lead Header


This activity allows you to register business leads. When you save the lead header, a lead ID is automatically defined. However, you can manually enter a lead ID before saving the header.



System Effects


Business Lead

Related Window Descriptions

Business Lead


To enter a business lead header:

  1. Open the Business Lead window and create a new record.
  2. If required, enter a specific lead ID. If a lead ID is not entered, it will be automatically defined using the oracle number series.
  3. Enter a name.
  4. Enter stage, default language and country.
  5. Enter other information such as form of business, potential, source, etc.
  6. Save.

Note: The default turnover currency is taken from the user’s default company. If the person connected to the logon user has been specified as a representative, then it will be taken as the default main representative. You can change these default values on the business lead header.