Connect Configuration Option Values


This activity is used to connect a characteristic option value to one or more configuration families. You can also connect the characteristic option value to one or more part configuration revisions.


IFS/Configuration Back Office and IFS/Configuration Characteristic must be installed.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the characteristic option value is connected to the given configuration families and/or part configuration revisions.


Configuration Characteristic

Related Window Descriptions

Configuration Characteristic


  1. Open the Configuration Characteristic window and query for the required configuration characteristic.
  2. Right-click on the required option value record and then click Connect Option To. This will open the Connect Config Option Values dialog box.
  3. Select the Connect check box for the required families in the upper table in order to connect the option value to those families.
  4. Select the Connect check box for the required revisions in the lower table to connect the option values to those part configuration revisions.
  5. Click OK.