Copy Details Setup


This activity is used to copy the complete setup of a posting type and a specific code part, to one or several other posting types.


In order to perform this activity, a complete setup must exist for at least one posting type.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the complete setup of the source posting type will be copied to the selected posting types. The way in which the setup is copied to a posting type selected to be updated depends on whether it already has a record for the date specified in the Copy Valid From field or not.

The posting type already has a record for the specified date Method
Yes The existing record with the same date will be replaced with the new setup.
No The setup of the source posting type will be copied to a new record created for the posting type being updated.


Posting Control
Posting Control Details

Related Window Descriptions

Posting Control
Posting Control Details


This activity can be performed from the Posting Control window or the Posting Control Details window.

Posting Control window

  1. Open the Posting Control window.
  2. Select a line, right-click and then click Copy Details Set-Up.
  3. Select the check boxes of the lines for which you want to copy the setup.
  4. Change the date specified in the Copy Valid From field if required.
  5. Click OK.

Posting Control Details Window

  1. Open the Posting Control window.
  2. Select a line, right-click and then click Details.
  3. Use the Copy Details Set-Up right mouse button option in the header of the Posting Control Details window.
  4. Select the check boxes of the lines for which you want to copy the set-up.
  5. Change the date specified in the Copy Valid From field if required.
  6. Click OK.