Rename Company Template


This activity is used to rename an existing company template.

Normally, a template can only be renamed by the template owner. However there are some exceptions:

The new template ID must be unique, i.e., a template with that ID must not exist.

The new template ID cannot be defined as a reserved system template ID unless the current user is the application owner or a company template super user. 


Company templates must be available in the database.

System Effects


Company Templates

Related Window Descriptions

Company Templates


  1. Populate the Company Templates window and select a source template, or query for the source template.
  2. Right-click and then click Rename Company Template.
    Note that it is possible to use this option even if the window is not populated.
  3. Enter a Supply Template ID, if it is not pre-defined. 
    Click List to see a list of the available company templates
  4. Enter the new ID of the template.
  5. Click OK to start the renaming function or click Cancel to abort.