Set Up Central Bank Reports (DE)


Use this activity  to setup information to create monthly reports to be sent to the Regional Bundesbank (Central Bank) Office if you are a German company engaged in foreign trade. This set up is also required if Z1 reporting on payment file for German foreign payment with payment format DTAZV is used.


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Central Bank Reporting Setup

Related Window Descriptions

Central Bank Reporting Setup


  1. Create a new record in the Central Bank Reporting Setup window (F5).
  2. In the Country Code field, either accept the default value that appears when you create a new row or enter the country code for the company. 
  3. In the Control Number 1 field, enter the first seven digits of the company's control number. 
  4. In the Control Number 2 field, enter the last digit of the company's control number.
  5. In the State Code field, select the state code for the company from the List of Values. The State Desc field will be automatically populated based upon the state code you select. 
  6. In the Industry field, enter the full name of the industry to which the company belongs.
  7. Select the Address Changed check box if the address has changed since the previous reporting. 
  8. In the Address ID Doc field, enter the address ID that is used for documents (such as invoices).
  9. In the Address Type Doc field, use the List of Values to select the type of address type that the company uses.
  10. In the Contact Doc field, enter the name of the contact person that is associated with the document address.
  11. In the Phone Doc field, enter the phone number for the document address contact person.
  12. In the Fax Doc field, enter the fax number for the document address contact person.
  13. In the Address ID Deliv field, use the List of Values to select the ID for the delivery address if you will use an address for correspondence other than the document address. 
  14. In the Address Type Deliv field, use the List of Values to select the address type for the document address.
  15. In the Contact Deliv field, enter the name of the contact who is associated with the delivery address.
  16. In the Phone Deliv field, enter the phone number of the delivery address contact person.
  17. In the Fax Deliv field, enter the fax number of the delivery address contact person.
  18. In the Reporting Code field, use the List of Values to select the reporting code used for Z1 reporting to the Federal Bank. The Reporting Code Desc field will be automatically populated based upon the reporting code you select.
  19. Select the Z1 with File check box If you want Z1 reporting to be performed on the payment file for German foreign payments with payment format DTAZV.
  20. Check for the Amount Limit for EU Standard Transfers with payment format DTAZV, if applicable modify the amount limit.
  21. Check for the Z1 Reporting Limit, if Z1 reporting is done using payment format DTAZV then modify the amount if necessary.
  22. In the Cash Acc Charges field, if cash charges will be paid from a cash account other than the account used for the invoice amount, use the List of Values to select the account to be used for cash charges.
  23. Save the record.