Register Inventory Part Template


Distribution part templates are used to supply the new parts created by IFS Project Delivery in IFS Distribution with the appropriate attributes.

The asterisk (*) can be used as a default for the class and part number fields, i.e., part class = ‘*’ and part no = ‘*’. When selecting a template, the system first tries to find an exact match for part class and part number; if no template exists, the default template (i.e., part class = ‘*’ and part no = ‘*’) is used. The templates are used when the ordered part does not exist in IFS/Inventory.

At least one record per delivery project must exist if parts are to be transferred to IFS Distribution.


System Effects


Project Delivery Basic Data/Inventory Part Template

Related Window Descriptions

Project Delivery Basic Data/Inventory Part Template


  1. Create a new record.
  2. Enter the template data.
  3. Save.