Comparing DOP Structures

[To Make to Order Planning]


Use this window to compare DOP structures. The different structures, termed as the Comparator and Comparatee, are displayed simultaneously in a split window. You cannot add, update, or delete information in this window. You can compare all levels of the structures at a time. There are four buttons enabling you to view different aspects of the comparison: All to display all DOP orders of both structures, Equal to compare those DOP orders of both structures that have the same part number, structure level and quantity per assembly, Difference to compare those DOP orders of both structures that are different, and Tree to compare structures in their entirety in a tree structure. If you first press All, and then Tree, both structures are completely displayed if you expand the structure. If you first press Equal, and  then Tree, both structures are completely displayed if you expand the structure. The DOP orders that are equal are marked by another color. If you first press Difference, and then Tree, both structures are completely displayed if you expand the structure. The DOP orders that are not equal are marked by another color. You can close and open levels, but you cannot drag and drop.

Activity Diagrams

Create DOP structure


Compare DOP structures