Enter Property Codes


This activity is used to enter property codes and the property values that belong to them.

A property is a unique detail relating to a fixed asset object such as the registration number, manufacturer, motor number, unloaded weight etc. A property code is a code for a particular property. Thus, one or more property values can be defined for a property code. For example, a list of manufacturer IDs can be entered as property values for a single property code that stands for the manufacturer of the fixed asset object.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Fixed Assets Property Codes
Fixed Assets Property Values

Related Window Descriptions

Fixed Assets Property Code
Fixed Assets Property Values


To enter a property code:

  1. Open the Fixed Assets Property Codes window and create a new record.
  2. Enter an ID for the property code in the Property Code field. In the Description field, enter a description of the property code.
  3. Select the Multiple Records Allowed check box if you want to make it possible to enter the property code more than once for a given fixed asset object in the Object/Properties tab.
  4. Select a value for the Data Type field to specify the form in which the property values should be entered for the property code.
  5. If you want the IDs of property values belonging to the property code restricted to a certain number of characters, enter that number in the Length field. (Note: A length can be entered only if the data type selected is String.)
  6. Edit the value entered in the fields LoV View and Value Description Column if required.
  7. Select the Use LoV for Validation check box if you do not want property values that are not defined in the system to be connected to fixed asset objects.
  8. Save the information.

To define property values for the property code:

  1. Select the property code you saved, right-click and click Property Values to open the Fixed Assets Property Values window. (Note: The Fixed Assets Property Values window can also be opened from the IFS Navigator.)
  2. Create a new record in the table and enter an ID and a description for a property value. Repeat this step to enter as many property values as required. (Note: The field in which you enter the IDs of property value may be String Value, Number Value or Date Value depending on the data type of the property code).
  3. Save the information.