Enter Posting Control Information For Fixed Assets Accounting


Use this activity to enter posting types and control types for the fixed assets accounting. For more information on posting types and control types, see About IFS Applications.


Before the posting control information can be entered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the updating routine creates transactions automatically for the fixed asset event.


Posting Control

Related Window Descriptions

Posting Control


Use the following procedure to enter information on the posting control:

  1. Open Posting Control and find the posting type. All the posting types for the fixed assets accounting start with the abbreviation FAP.
  2. Enter one or several rows for each posting type, depending on how you want the postings to be created. There must always be at least one row, i.e., the posting control specification for code part A, Account.
  3. Save the information.
  4. Mark one row in the window and select the Details operation, if appropriate. This causes Posting Control Details to open, and you can then enter detailed information for the control type.