Copy Journal Rows


This activity is used to copy rows from an existing adjustment journal to another existing or new adjustment journal.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, one or more more journal rows are copied to an existing or new adjustment journal. The content of these rows can be modified before the journal is approved and included in the balance consolidation.


Adjustment Journal Entry

Related Window Descriptions

Adjustment Journal Entry
Copy Journal Rows


To copy journal rows:

  1. Open the Adjustment Journal Entry window and search for the journal you want to copy rows to. Alternatively, enter a new adjustment journal.
  2. Right-click and then click Copy Journal Rows to open the Copy Journal Rows dialog box.
  3. In the Journal ID field, enter the journal ID from which the journal rows should be copied. If the journal ID is selected from the List of Values, values for the Period, Reporting Entity, Balance Version and Reporting Transaction Type fields will be automatically displayed. If not, values for these fields should also be entered.
  4. In the Proportion field, enter the amount proportion to be copied. The value entered should be less or equal to 100%.
  5. If the copied rows should be entered as correction or reversed rows, select the Correction or Reversed check box as relevant.
  6. Specify the account interval to be copied by entering the required values in the From and Until fields. Note that the first and the last accounts in the journal you are copying from are displayed in these fields by default.
  7. Select a value for the Account Selection field to specify whether the account selection for the copy should include all the accounts, only Income Statement accounts or only Balance Sheet accounts.
  8. If you want to view the details from the journal you are coping rows from, click Show Details. The Journal Row Details table will display the journal rows as they are in the journal you are copying from.
  9. If you want to view the rows which will be copied and how they will appear once they have been copied, select the Simulate Copy Results check box. Individual rows can be excluded from the copy by selecting the Exclude check box for the relevant row.
  10. Click OK to execute the copy.