Define Account Mapping


This activity is used to map the accounts or account ranges of a selected reporting company against the accounts of the master company. The purpose of this activity is to specify which accounts of the reporting company should be considered when a balance transfer is carried out, and which accounts of the master company should be affected by those accounts of the reporting company.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, individual accounts or ranges of accounts in the reporting company are mapped against selected accounts of the master company.


Account Mapping

Related Window Descriptions

Account Mapping


To map the accounts of a selected reporting entity:

  1. Open the Account Mapping window and search for the reporting entity for which you want to map accounts.
  2. Create a new record in the table.
  3. If you want to map an individual account of the reporting entity against the account of the master company, enter a value in the Reporting Company From Account field. If you want to map a range of accounts in the reporting entity against the account of the master company, enter values in both Reporting Company From Account and Reporting Company To Account fields. The List of Values can be used to select the required accounts. (Note: If the reporting company and the master company are using the same Chart of Accounts, a single % sign should be entered in the Reporting Company From Account, Reporting Company To Account and Master Company Account fields to indicate that no mapping is required. Exceptions can still be entered.)
  4. Select a value for the Include/Exclude field to specify whether the balances of the entered account/range of accounts should be included or excluded when transferring balances to the master company account.
  5. Enter the account of the master company against which the account/account range you specified in step 3 should be mapped. Note that it is not possible to enter a master company account if the selection of accounts is excluded.
  6. In the Valid From Period field, enter the period from which the mapping is valid.
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 in order to enter all the required mapping rules.
  8. Save the information.