Register Job Specification


Use this function to describe the competencies (knowledge, skills and abilities) required by an employee to perform the job function at an acceptable performance level. A job specification is normally used when:
- recruiting people to no specific, designated position (batch recruitment, management trainee recruitment, etc.).

Information that you can register in the description are Competencies, Education, Licenses and Work Experience, Personal, Physical, Personality, and Employment at This Company.


Use this function to describe the competencies (knowledge, skills and abilities) that are required of an employee to perform his/her job at an acceptable performance level.


Use this function to describe an employee's education requirements, criteria, and specifications. Education criteria is a classification of the education specification. The education specification is designed to facilitate a requirement which can take several alternative education levels or education fields.


Use this function to describe the license and certification required by an employee to perform the job.

Work Experience: 

Use this function to describe the previous work experience required of an employee  to perform the job functions.


Use this function to describe the job specification that relates to the employee's personal profile, such as age, gender, marital status, etc. There can only be one personal specification per job (per company).


Use this function to describe the physical specification required by an employee to perform the job functions


Use this function to describe the personality specification required by an employee to perform the job functions.

Employment at This Company:

Use this function to describe the current work experience required by an employee to perform the job functions.


Job Specification

Related Window Descriptions

Job Specification


  1. Select the desired job identity in the Job ID list box. To enter a new job identity select New in this field.
  2. Add to or view the information in each tab window.
  3. Save.