Receive Byproducts from Production Receipt, Production Scrap


Use this activity to receive byproducts at the end of the production receipt, report point receipt or scrap receipt. You can add, edit or remove byproducts from the production receipt materials accordingly. These are issued when the backflush occurs.


System Effects 


Production Receipt
Production Schedule By Line
Production Schedule By Line Part

Related Window Descriptions

Production Receipt 
Production Schedule by Line
Production Schedule by Line Part


From the Production Schedule by Line window:

  1. Open the Production Schedule By Line window. 
  2. In the Production Line list, select the part for which to report production.
  3. Select the production schedule line for which to report production. Right-click and then click Production Receipt. The Production Receipt dialog box will appear.
  4. In the Production Receipt dialog box, specify how many parts you want to report and receive into inventory in the Qty Reported field. The scheduled quantity is the default value. If the part is catch unit enabled, enter the catch quantity received in the Received Catch Qty field.
  5. In the Sched Option list, select Scheduled or Unscheduled.
  6. In the Backflush list, select Immediate Backflush or Defer Backflush.
  7. In the Structure area, specify the part revision and structure alternate. If desired, you can specify the routing revision and the routing alternate.
  8. In the Location area, select the Complete check box to create a complete production receipt.
  9. In the Location area, click in the Location No field, then click List to choose from different inventory locations.
  10. To receive byproducts, click Components. The Production Receipt Material dialog box will appear.
  11. In the Production Receipt Material dialog box, type a value in the Qty To Issue field as a negative value to receive the needed byproduct.
  12. To receive a byproduct seperately, create a new record. The cursor appears in the Part To Issue field. Click List to select from available parts. Next, type a value in negative in the Qty to Issue field.
    Note: To define the byproducts quantity for a particular part, you have to have it defined at the product structure level for the given part.
  13. When you are finished with selecting the needed quantity of byproducts, click OK to run the backflush.
  14. If you want to receive byproducts at the production scrap, select the Part No list, right-click and select Scrap Receipt. Scrap Receipt dialog box will open.
  15. In the Sched Option list, select Scheduled or Unscheduled.
  16. Define the scrap quantity in the Qty To Scrap field. Also define the Scrap Reason and click Components. The Production Receipt Material dialog box will appear.
  17. Continue from step 11 to 13 to get the byproducts.

From the Production Schedule by Line Part window:

  1. Open the Production Schedule By Line Part window. 
  2. In the Part No list, select the part for which to report production.
  3. Select the production schedule line for which to report production. Right-click and then click Production Receipt. The Production Receipt dialog box will appear.
  4. In the Production Receipt dialog box, specify how many parts you want to report and receive into inventory in the Qty Reported field. The scheduled quantity is the default value. If the part is catch unit enabled, enter the catch quantity received in the Received Catch Qty field.
  5. In the Sched Option list, select Scheduled or Unscheduled.
  6. In the Backflush list, select Immediate Backflush or Defer Backflush.
  7. In the Structure area, specify the part revision and structure alternate. If desired, you can specify the routing revision and the routing alternate.
  8. In the Location area, select the Complete check box to create a complete production receipt.
  9. In the Location area, click in the Location No field, then click List to choose from different inventory locations.
  10. To receive byproducts, click Components. The Production Receipt Material dialog box will appear.
  11. In the Production Receipt Material dialog box, type a value in the Qty To Issue field as a negative value to receive the needed byproduct.
  12. To receive a byproduct seperately, create a new record. The cursor appears in the Part To Issue field. Click List to select from available parts. Next, type a value in negative in the Qty to Issue field.
    Note: To define the byproducts quantity for a particular part, you have to have it defined at the product structure level for the given part.
  13. When you are finished with selecting the needed quantity of byproducts, click OK to run the backflush.
  14. If you want to receive byproducts at the production scrap, select the Part No list, right-click and select Scrap Receipt. Scrap Receipt dialog box will open.
  15. In the Sched Option list, select Scheduled or Unscheduled.
  16. Define the scrap quantity in the Qty To Scrap field. Also define the Scrap Reason and click Components. The Production Receipt Material dialog box will appear.
  17. Continue from step 11 to 13 to get the byproducts.

From the Production Receipt window:

  1. Open the Production Receipt window. 
  2. In the item list, select the production line part for which you want to define or get the byproducts.
  3. Give the production issue quantity of the item in the Qty Received field
    Note: Defined quantity should not exceed the scheduled quantity
  4. Select Edit Components check box and click Save.
  5. In the Production Receipt Material dialog box, you can add and remove items to receive by using New and Remove buttons accordingly.
  6. In order to receive byproducts, you need to add an item line by using New button.
  7. In the item line define the part in the Part To Issue field. You can use List of Values to get the needed part
  8. You have to define the byproduct quantity to be received at the report point or at the production receipt, in the Qty To Issue field by giving a needed quantity as a negative value.
    Note: To define the byproducts quantity for a particular part, you have to have it defined at the product structure level for the given part.
  9. Click Ok after doing all the necessary changes.
  10. Byproduct quantity to be added will be added and shown in the Quantity On Hand in the Production Receipt window.