Unconsumed Forecast

You can choose what the system should do with any unconsumed forecasts that cross the demand time fence. There are two main principals, unconsumed forecasts can either roll out or can be dropped.

To roll out the unconsumed forecasts, the system rolls out or front loads any unconsumed forecasts crossing the demand time fence into the first period outside the demand time fence.

To drop unconsumed forecasts, the system does not roll out or front load any unconsumed forecasts crossing the demand time fence. The remaining forecasts are discarded.

In addition to the roll out of unconsumed forecast, you can also control the process in terms of time and quantity of unconsumed forecast to roll.

Max Unconsumed Forecast: Determines the upper limit of the total volume of unconsumed forecasts that can be rolled out.

Roll By Percentage: Controls how much of unconsumed forecast is allowed to roll out expressed as a percentage. The percentage factor is applied against single records and only the first time a record is being rolled out.

Roll Window: Defines how many calendar days a single record of unconsumed forecast will remain until being dropped by running MS calculation.

Projected Balance

Forecasts within the demand time fence are ignored when the projected balance is calculated. The projected balance is calculated as follows:

Projected Balance (PB) = Current period PB + Current period supply - (Unconsumed forecast + Actual Demand)

The unconsumed forecast is calculated as follows:

Unconsumed Forecast = Current period forecast - Current period consumed forecast