Discrepancy Repair Code

[About MRO Manufacturing Operational Data]

[To Repair Setup] [To Execute CRO Work Scope, Shop Order]


Use this window to view and enter the repair codes relevant for a specific discrepancy code-part combination. The repair codes you enter in the lower table of the window, constitute the set of all possible steps required to correct the discrepancy shown in the header, for the part that is selected in the upper table of the window.

The data you specify in this window is used later in work scope execution during disposition. When a discrepancy is identified for a part during disposition, the repair codes associated with that discrepancy code-part combination are are made available for the user to select on the release of the disposition shop order line.

If the repair control option for the part is set to Exclude Allowed, the user can pick the repair codes to be used for the line in question. Otherwise, the user will not be able to exclude any of the repair codes. The repair control option can be set in either the Part Attributes window or the Inventory Part/Manufacturing tab.

It is also possible to associate parts with discrepancy codes in this window.

Activity Diagrams

Define MRO manufacturing operational data
Associate repair codes, discrepancy codes and modification headers


Connect repair code to part discrepancy
Connect repair code to repair part
Enter document text