Enable Fault Deferral


This activity is used to set up the deferral for a fault. A deferral can be categorized into two types, simple and complex. The simplest deferral definition has no maximum delay defined and can be used for all part revisions and functions. The maximum deferral delay is then specified for each fault. The more complex deferral definition requires different deferral items to be defined with a maximum delay, and each deferral item needs to be associated with the part revision for which it will be valid. Both deferral types are set up in the Deferral Definition window.


System Effects

The fault is deferred in accordance to the information registered on the deferral.


Serial Operational Information

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Operational Information/Fault/Additional
Deferral Definition

Operations and Fault Basic Data/User Auth. Deferrals


  1. Open the Serial Operational Information window and query (F3) for the serial on which the fault is defined.
  2. Click the Fault tab.
  3. In the Fault Number field, select the fault you want to defer.
  4. Click the Additional tab.
  5. Select the Enable Fault Deferral check box (found in the Deferrals area) to enable the deferral fields for update.
  6. Enter a short description for deferring the fault in the Cause/Descr. field.
  7. In the List Code field, enter a deferral list code. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  8. An interval needs to be entered in either days or as an operational parameter. When the values are entered for the List Code and Item Code fields, values automatically appear in the Days and/or Add On Value and Oper Param fields. These values can be modified.
  9. Save the record (F12).