Undo Customer Order Delivery

[About Shipment


Use this window to undo a customer order delivery. This will reverse the customer order/order line status back to Partially Delivered or Picked. For each delivery, you would get a delivery number per customer order line/release number. As long as a delivery note is not created, you could undo any specific delivery number by right-clicking and then clicking Undo Line Delivery on the specific line in the table. Once a delivery note is created, you could only undo the delivery of the whole delivery note only.

For shipment deliveries, you could only cancel the shipment as a whole from the header. This would move the shipment back to Complete state if it was closed. For consolidated shipment, you should undo delivery per shipment.

It is not possible to undo customer order delivery or customer order lines that have return material authorization lines created against them. If multiple deliveries exist for the same customer order line and return material authorization is created having a debit invoice reference, still the system will allow to undo delivery for a delivery not included in that debit invoice given that no other return material lines exists without any debit invoice reference. Note, this does not apply to package parts.

Activity Diagrams

Distribute Customer Order


Undo Customer Order Delivery