Generate Simulated PM Actions


Use this activity to generate the simulated PM actions. PM actions can be generated using one of the following methods:

In addition, if there are any existing PM actions for the selected object, you can manually select the PM action in which the standard job should be included. For more information on how PM actions are generated, please refer to the following online help document: Add Job Program to Object

Note: You cannot generate both separate and route PM actions together. The generation procedure has to be executed individually for each tab.


System Effects


Add Job Program to Object

Related Window Descriptions

Add Job Program to Object 
Add Job Program to Object/Separate
Add Job Program to Object/Route


The steps below are applicable to both the Separate and Route tabs of the Add Job Program to Object window. 

To generate new PM actions:

  1. Open the Add Job Program to Object window, and select a job program and an object.
  2. Define the default values and settings.
  3. Add separate and route standard jobs, and simulate the PM actions.
  4. Modify the revision of the PM action that is to be generated (in the Revision field of the lower table) if necessary. 
  5. Save the information (F12). The change will be reflected in the upper table.
  6. Click Generate.

Note: If you enter a PM action revision where work orders have been created in step 4, you will be required to create a new revision for the PM action in the lower table. Simply enter a new revision ID and repeat steps 5 and 6.

To connect (redirect) standard jobs to existing PM actions:

  1. Open the Add Job Program to Object window, and select a job program and an object.
  2. Define the default values and settings.
  3. Add separate and route standard jobs.
  4. Select a standard job line, and enter the PM action ID, in the PM No field, to which you want to connect the standard job.
  5. Save the information (F12).
  6. Click Generate