Repeat Media Output

[Automatic Supplier Payment on File, Supplier Payments], [Automatic Customer Payment, Customer Payments] [Payment File Traceability, Cash Book]


Use this dialog box to create the payment file for a selected payment order. You can recreate the file with the original payment address data (only for orders which were created using a payment method that creates payment file trace information), or with the current payment address data fetched from the electronic payment address(es) of the payee(s)/payer(s) and from their own cash account and payment institute. Note: If the file includes Format Specific Info per Institute, this format specific info per institute is always fetched from current basic data even if Repeat Media with Original Data check box was selected.

Repeat Media Output is only possible if the used payment format allows repeatable output. Note: Even if you repeat media output with original data, items which were cancelled or removed from the order are no longer included in the new output file.

It is also possible to control creation of payment advice during repeat media output process.

Activity Diagrams

Create Electronic Payment Order
Create Electronic Customer Payment Order
Repeat Media Output


Create Payment Order
Create Direct Debiting or Repayment Order
Repeat Media Output (Supplier Payments)
Repeat Media Output (Customer Payments)