Issued Checks

[Automatic Customer Payment, [Automatic Supplier Check Payment] [Manual Supplier Check Payment]


Use this window to view a list of supplier checks and customer repayment checks that have been created. If the same document number series used for a supplier check is used for a customer repayment check, then the checks listed will be displayed as an unbroken number series in the Check No field. However, if the document number series for customer repayment check is not the same as for the supplier check then the checks displayed will not follow the pattern of an unbroken number series.

This window can also be used to print, reprint, cash and void checks.

Note: All checks are displayed with positive amounts although the customer repayment checks are stored with negative amounts in accounts receivable. This is because in practical circumstances checks are not issued with negative balances.

Activity Diagrams

Customer Repayment Check

Create Customer Repayment Order

Supplier Check

Create Check Payment
Print Supplier Check
Cash Check
Reverse Cashed Check
Cancel Check
Reprint Check
Reverse Cancelled Check


Customer Repayment Check and Supplier Check

Issued Checks Analysis

Customer Repayment Check

Cash Customer Repayment Check
Set Repayment Check Status to Printed
Void Customer Repayment Check
Reprint Customer Repayment Check

Supplier Check

Print Supplier Check
Cash Check
Set Check Status to Printed
Void Check
Reprint Check
Set Check Status to Printed