Project Product/Requirement Activities

[About Requirement Activities] [To Design Project Delivery Product]


Use this tab window to register and view requirement activities that are associated with a project item in your delivery project. You can also delete a requirement activity as long as it is not connected to a project item yet. The activities must be predefined in the IFS/Project module.

Although you can register requirement activities in this tab window, they can also be registered automatically and easily when connecting them directly to the project item in Project Product/Items tab or in Project Item Info/Consist Of tab. If you register activities in this tab window, they can be connected to the delivery structure and used to determine need dates for material when running the Gross Requirements Calculation (GRC) in Project Product/Demand/MPL tab.

Alternatively, use this tab window to identify the items in your delivery project connected to a requirement activity. All information about the project items in this tab window is read only.

Several menu options are available for the project item to be able to go directly to a relevant window or form from this tab window. These menu options are Project Item Navigator, Inventory Part Info, Purchase Part Info and  Manufacture Structure Info.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Maintain Project Product Structure
Connect Requirement Activities to Project Product Structure


Enter Requirement Activities
View Project Delivery Structure Graphically