Define Employee Link Information


Use this activity to define basic data related to the multi-company project reporting employee. This information will be updated automatically when you initially report time to a linked activity, by creating an employee automatically in the linked customer company. If the MCCREATEMP property in the Company Details/Property tab is set to No then the employees who have already been created in the customer company should be linked in this window manually.

This window can be used to find the correct employee ID when a person has multiple employments in one of the companies. It is also possible to create an employee in the customer company by generating an employee ID using the same window.


System Effects

Customer Company Employees are created and/ or linked to employee company.


Multi-Company Project Reporting Employee Link Setup

Related Window Descriptions

Multi-Company Project Reporting Employee Link Setup


To link employees manually:

  1. Open the Multi-Company Project Reporting Employee Link Setup window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter a company ID and employee ID for both Employee Company and Customer Companies. You can use the List of values to select the required values as well.
  4. Save the record.

To generate an employee ID in the customer company and link:

  1. Open the Multi-Company Project Reporting Employee Link Setup window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter a company ID and employee ID for the Employee Company.
  4. Click Save and based on the basic data defined in Company Details/Property tab a new employee for the same person is generated.