About IRS Form 1099 Reporting

In the United States, businesses and nonprofit organizations must use IRS Form 1099-MISC to report certain payments made in the course of trade or business. This requirement applies only to payments that either exceed the threshold amount specified by law or are subject to backup withholding of federal income tax, or both of these. The IRS may impose penalties for noncompliance.

To help you meet these requirements, U.S. versions of IFS Financials enable you to specify the suppliers that are subject to Form 1099-MISC reporting. For each of these suppliers, you must enter the information that will appear on the Form 1099-MISC, including the taxpayer identification number, address, and phone number. You must specify the threshold amount for Form 1099-MISC reporting based on current IRS rules. On the supplier invoice, you must specify the IRS 1099 type on each supplier invoice line. If the invoice line is subject to Form 1099-MISC backup withholding, you must enter the tax withholding percentage. The system calculates the amount of the amount of the withholding based on this percentage.

IFS Financials allows you to print three types of Form 1099-MISC reports. These reports, which you can select from the drop-down list in Info Services/Order Report, are as follows: