Enter General Supplier Offset Information


Use this activity to enter general information used in a supplier offset transaction. This information might include the payment date, voucher date, user group, voucher type, payment currency, or cash amount.

You can make offsets between supplier debit and credit invoices, as well as between payments on account, payments in advance, and invoices. Parked payments can also be offset. The offset function does not cause any cash flows in the cash accounts, and the total amount must always be zero (0). No voucher is created.


This activity requires that there be transactions against which to make offsets.

System Effects

There are no system effects until the information in the Supplier Offset/Transactions tab is saved. Offsets within the system are then considered to be a payment.


Supplier Offset

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier Offset


  1. On the General tab, create a new record.
  2. Modify the values displayed in the Payment Date, Payment Currency and Curr Rate Type fields if required.
  3. If you want to enter payment notes for the offset, right click and then click Notes, or double-click on the Notes check box to open the Payment Notes dialog box where notes can be entered.
  4. Modify the voucher date if required.
  5. If the user group with which you want to enter the offset is different to your default user group, use the List of Values to select the relevant user group ID for the User Group field.
  6. Modify the value displayed in the Voucher Type field if required.
  7. Save the information.