Show Information Fields


This activity is used to view the information fields of a tax report. The purpose of this activity is to check whether the information values entered or automatically fetched for information fields are correct. You may modify an information value if you have specified in the Tax Template Field Control Basic - Information Field window that it should be editable.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

If you modify one or more  information values, the modified values will be printed in the tax report.


Automatic Tax Proposal

Related Window Descriptions

Automatic Tax Proposal
Information Fields


The following procedure can be used to show information fields of a tax report.

  1. Open the Automatic Tax Proposal window and query for the tax proposal for which you want to view information fields.
  2. Select the proposal, right-click and click Show Information Fields to open the Information Fields dialog box.
  3. Modify any value entered in the Information Value field if relevant.
  4. Save the information.