About IFS Lobby

[Using IFS Enterprise Explorer Clients] [About Using IFS Lobby] [To Using IFS Lobby]


A Lobby provides an at-a-glance view of information in IFS Applications based on your role or the process you are working in. You will clearly see what to focus on and what needs your attention, and you can quickly see problems areas or where there are exceptions to deal with.

The Lobby concept is built up by Pages, Elements and Data Sources. A Page contains one to many Elements and each Element is connected to one Data Source. The end user works with Lobby Pages to get an overview of relevant information. The included Elements show data in e.g. counters, graphs, lists and have links the user can use to navigate to either a related page in IFS Applications or to a web site outside of IFS Applications.

There are a number of predefined Lobby Pages in IFS Applications, and all available pages are listed in the Lobby Overview page.

It is possible to create new Lobby Pages and change existing Lobby Pages as well. This is usually done by System Administrators, read more in Designing Lobby Pages.

It is useful to have a Lobby Page as the home page in IFS Applications. Read more in Using Application Options.

Figure 1: Example of a Lobby Page for Manufacturing Planning

Related Window Descriptions

Lobby Overview
Lobby Page


Designing Lobby Pages
Using Lobby Pages
Personalizing Lobby Pages