Using IFS Web Client

This online document is intended for users working with IFS Applications. It explains the parts common to all components of IFS Applications, such as user interface, properties, and common working procedures.

Logging on to IFS Applications

Navigating in IFS Web Client

There are several ways to navigate in IFS Web Client.

Using Personal Portal Page

The IFS Personal Portal is the portal interface to IFS Applications. The idea behind the IFS Personal Portal is to be an easy-to-grasp information trigger. All important information is collected in the same place, not in full detail but enough so that any important changes are quickly highlighted.

All available portlets with IFS Web Client framework are listed here >>.

IFS Web Client General Functionalities

User Settings

There are some settings in IFS Web Client which can be set to your liking.

Using Info Services

Info Services is the common name for features in IFS Applications that let you order, distribute, preview, and print reports.