MS for Multiple Parts

[About Master Production Schedule Level 1] [About Manual Update MS Level1] [About Rules for Master Scheduling Level 1]

[To Master Scheduling]


Use this window to get an overview of the master scheduling (MS) level 1 customer forecast, actual demand, work in process, calculated MS receipt, available forecast, and available actual using a period template. The Select Period Template right mouse button option is used for selecting which period will be used to display all the values. The window can display up to 40 periods at once, and each quantity type is displayed in a separate row (Quantity type: Customer Forecast, Actual Demand, etc). Each MS Level 1 part will have 7 rows, one row per quantity type. All rows displayed in the table are read-only, except for the rows with the Level 1 Updated quantity typeUpon saving, the updated MS receipt value in the Level 1 Updated row will be distributed evenly to all work days within the period. The Available Forecast and Available Actual values are calculated based on the Level 1 Updated value.  

Note-The Period Template which is used to group level 1 data should be calculated using a 7-day working calendar to prevent wrong calculations.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for MS 1
Perform MS level 1


Manually update level 1 master schedule