Project Part Definitions
Project Product/Part Definition

[About Project Part Definition] [To Design Project Delivery Product]


This window displays all part revisions used in the selected project. Documents and/or document requirements that are common for all items of a revision should be connected to the project part definition. You can connect documents and document requirements to a part definition by using the Attachments on task pane.

Documents and/or document requirement that are specific for a certain project item should be placed on that item by using the Attachment pane in the Project Product/Items tab.

You can transfer a list of project items to Project Item Navigator window by selecting the menu option Project Item Navigator. Also, if you are in the Project Part Definitions window, you can select the menu option Project Product to transfer project item(s) in the Project Product window.

Activity Diagrams

Create And Maintain Project Product Structure
Approve Project Product Structure


Monitor Project Part Definition
Replace Project Item Revisions
Add to Project Quotation List
Update Project Material Cost From PQL
Approve Part Definition
Connect Document to Part Definition