
Using this Portlet

Use this portlet to view details about projects in which you are participating as a team member with access to the project or as the Project Manager or Sub Project Manager. For projects where Project Access is turned off, B2B users will only see the project if being the Project Manager. Only projects which are in the Started or Completed statuses are displayed.


No setup is required before you use this portlet for the first time, except your personal customizations (see below).

+Viewing the Search Results

This portlet displays your search results in table format. 

The following items appear in the search results: 

Project ID: The unique identity of the project that is displayed.

Project Name: The name of the project.

Status: The status of the project. Possible values are Started and Completed.

Manager: The manager of the project.

Planned Start: The date on which the project is planned to start.

Planned Finish: The date on which the project is planned to finish.

+Customizing this Portlet

Using the Customize page, you can define search criteria and customize the layout of your portlet.

Search Criteria

The following search criteria are available in this portlet:

Preconfigured Selections: Projects in which you are participating as a team member, manager, sub project manager or as the customer responsible person can be displayed.

Choose Status: The status of the project to be displayed. The available options are Started or Completed.

Order by Type:  The order in which the results should be displayed. The available options are None, Ascending and Descending.

Column Title: The title of the column to hide or order by.

Hide: If this check box is selected, the corresponding column will be hidden from the search results.

Order By: Select the column by which the search results should be ordered.


The following layout options are available in this portlet:

Portlet name: The name that appears at the top of this portlet. You can change this name according to your preference.

Max no of hits to be displayed: The maximum number of rows displayed in the portlet. When you minimize the portlet, the number of matched records appears next to the portlet name.