Define Maintenance Program

[About Interval Based Maintenance Program] [About VIM Access Control] [About Instructions and Subtasks] [To Manage Maintenance Program]


Use this window to define a maintenance program. 

The following menu options are available from this window. These options facilitate the creation of a maintenance program.

Options Description
Modify Active Maintenance Program This option allows you to update a maintenance plan on an active maintenance program. This includes updating information on any convenience tasks that are connected to the maintenance plan.
Copy Maintenance Program This option allows you to copy detailed data from an existing maintenance program to your new maintenance program.
Create New Revision of Maintenance Program This option allows you to create a new revision for a maintenance program.
Maintenance Plan This option allows you to enter a maintenance plan for a maintenance program. Note: When this option is selected from the header or the General tab of the Define Maintenance Program window, it will be possible to define a maintenance plan for all serial parts and maintenance groups of the maintenance program.

You cannot delete a maintenance program when it is in the Active or Obsolete status. Obsolete maintenance programs are kept for historical tracking purposes.

Documents can be connected to a maintenance program by using the Attachments panel. The link to connected documents will be deleted when maintenance programs are deleted. Note: Only the connection to a document is deleted and not the document itself. 

If access control is established, you can only view and update the maintenance programs you have access to. To establish access control, access groups must be defined in basic data, and the preferred users must be connected to the access group. The Access tab of this window, will display the access groups assigned to a selected maintenance program. 

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Assign Parts, Assign Part Revisions, Maintenance Groups, Affected Serials, Access, Journal.  

Activity Diagrams

Define Preventive Maintenance Program


Define Maintenance Program  
Copy Maintenance Program 
Set a Maintenance Program Active   
Modify Active Maintenance Program
Create New Revision of Maintenance Program
Enter Maintenance Plan